Performance Options
Performance Options
Blue M ovens are available with a range of performance options that optimize the operation of your unit. These options include motorized dampers, powered exhausts, variable frequency drives and more. Contact us for more information on any of the performance options listed below.
Mini-Helic Filter Gauge
The filter gauge senses the pressure drop across a HEPA filter. The pressure drop across the filter can indicate if it is clogging and replacement is required. The differential pressure gauge gives the static pressure drop in inches of water column across the filter.
Semi-Pierced Duct Walls
Semi-pierced duct walls allow the oven airflow to be tuned by adjusting the louvers on each side. Shelf slides are welded in place with this option.
Variable Frequency Drive
A variable frequency drive (VFD) may be added to the circulation motor to change the blower speed for tuning the oven.
Blue M can provide varying levels of uniformity; if you have a specific tolerance or specification which must be met, please contact the factory with your requirements so we can ensure the equipment is designed, tested and adjusted to meet those requirements.
Motorized Dampers
An electric damper motor may be added to the intake or exhaust of the oven. The damper can be configured as open/closed or proportionally controlled. This device allows the user to control intake, exhaust and circulation airflow rates as required by a specific process. The motorized dampers can also be used during the cooling cycle to maximize the cool-air intake flow creating a single-pass airflow system and reducing cool-down times. A toggle switch is provided on the control panel for damper operation. The dampers may be controlled by an event in the temperature controller, requiring that a programmable temperature controller is purchased. A proportional, motorized damper requires the use of a programmable temperature controller.
Powered Exhaust Package
A powered exhaust system may be added to the oven for cooling, drying or removal of fumes during the process. A manual exhaust damper is included to enable the oven user to control the exhaust flow. The powered exhaust is enabled by a switch on the control panel. Note - if a programmable controller is installed, this is enabled via an event in the controller.
Maintenance Kit
This kit contains parts required to maintain your oven in like-new operating condition or help keep the chamber functioning in an emergency situation. These kits contain door gasket, thermocouples, a solid state relay (SSR), fuses, power switch and all necessary instructions and documentation.
Silicone Free Construction
The silicone free option will ensure that silicone parts in the oven will be replaced with alternative and appropriate materials. This includes the door seal, port seals, shaft seals and any other penetrations into the oven that would normally require the use of a gasket.
Stainless Steel Exterior
The exterior of the oven may be built out of stainless steel. Stainless steel is a popular material for clean rooms, areas that require regular cleaning and wipe downs or even areas that may be exposed to corrosive elements. Various finishes are available for purchase.